Supporting Health, Kids, Education, the Arts and the Environment on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
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Spy Interview with Project Hopeful: Easton High Students Support Mental Health Services in Schools with Togathon

The Easton High School’s (EHS) Latin Honor Society presents “Togathon” on February 20th and 21. The six-hour-long live-stream event will raise funds for the Hopeful Campaign’s new focus on supplementing mental health services in local schools. To help raise awareness for this cause, a series of on-screen interviews where students, teachers, and parents share their thoughts and hopes around this issue is being produced.

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Stronger Together: Dock Street Foundation, Feeling Hopeful by Amelia Blades Stewart and Manning Lee

What makes us hopeful? Acts of kindness, a friend’s smile (no hugs for now), seeing our younger generation making a difference, a loving and caring community — all these things give us hope as we face new challenges. With the added stressors of COVID-19, some people are losing hope, but thanks to the efforts of Dock Street Foundation, the message of hope is glowing on the streets of Easton to remind us not to give up, to care for our neighbors, and to believe in ourselves, our community and our country.

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